bryan hand


Hi! I'm Bryan. I love serving up high-fives. Seriously. It may sound silly, but I can’t help but smile every time I connect and hear that sweet, crisp clap.

Most of the time I get a smile back. Once in a while I just get an eye roll... Thanks for humoring me though, Keisha.

Inspired by Wes Bos, this game is my take on his Whack-a-Mole tutorial from the Javascript 30 series.

I reworked the scoring based on how long the hand is visible, built a leaderboard, added a rotating selection of my favorite band t-shirts, and slapped my ridiculous face on this thing just for a laugh. Hopefully it puts a smile on your face as well!

Thanks to everyone at NSS who raise their hands on a daily basis and accept my high-fives and return a smile.

Special thanks to Dance Storm for coining the phrase “BryFive” and creating a kickass emoji for me... bryfive emoji